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时间:2022-11-02 20:01:39 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2731字


Scale book


鳞册───Scale book


He admits as much in his book. But numerous colleagues, he says, also used to enter false information into SocGen's trading system, if not on as large a scale.───他在书中坦然承认这点,但声称如果交易规模不大的话,许多同事都习惯把错误信息输入法国兴业银行的交易系统。

The friend began warning others, "Katy is' 1.1. '" the number refers to a sliding Tone Scale of emotional states that Hubbard published in a 1951 book," the Science of Survival."───那个朋友开始警告其他人,“凯蒂是1.1”,这个数字来自哈伯德1951年出版的《幸存的科学》书中所提出的情绪标度等级表。

Although the book is a good primer on all this, its main contribution consists of two surveys-one of users of software, the other of developers-that are unprecedented in both scale and scope.───尽管这是一本在所有相关方面都非常好的入门书,但它的主要贡献在于两方面的调查:用户和开发者。两者无论是深度和范围上都达到前所未有的。

Shopping malls should bring in more shops with cultural and educational aspects such as large-scale book place and education centre.───商场应引入更多有文化及教育元素的商铺,例如书城,教育中心等。
