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时间:2022-11-02 20:03:58 作者:星火作文 字数:2444字


Foreign brothers


外国───foreign country;兄弟───brother


This was a foreign country, so unlike San Jose.───这是外国,与圣何塞很不一样。

Chinese chess player can go to the foreign country take title?───中国围棋棋手可以到外国去拿冠军头衔 么 ?

The company possesses imported antitheft production line from foreign country.───公司拥有国外进口的防撬门生产流水线.

The agent was in the employ of a foreign country.───这个特工人员是外国雇佣的.

This was a foreign country, so unlike San Jose.───这是异国,因而不像圣何塞。

It was his destiny to die in a foreign country, far from his family.───天命要他死在外国远离其家人.

It was his destiny to die in a foreign country.───他注定要客死异国.

You're in a foreign country.───你在异国他乡。


The people of the country will exile the king to foreign country next month.