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时间:2022-11-03 08:04:01 作者:语文迷 字数:2976字






That night at the dinner table when you sat on the ridiculous pinecone.───那天晚上吃饭你坐到那个可笑的松果上的时候。

Right, it also looks like a pinecone.───对了,像个大松果。

I put a miniature pinecone on his head.───我轻轻地把一个微型松果按在雪人的头上。

With a true case of dropsy your goldfish 's scales will stand out like a "pinecone" .───根据真实的水肿案例,患病金鱼的鳞片就像“松果”一样地竖立起来。

I went into the house and brought out a treasure of my own: a pinecone, opened, full of odor and resin, which I adored.───我回到屋里并拿了件我的宝贝:一只盛开的散发着我喜欢的松脂的清香的松果。

Sometimes, two legs carrying a pinecone, with sharp incisors nibbled eat, like the buddhist temple incense.───有时候,两只前脚捧着一个松果,用锐利的门牙啃着吃,好像寺庙里拜佛的烧香客。


MONIQUE: I can step on a pinecone and the cracking of it can sound like ice breaking.

Right, it also looks like a pinecone.

The little squirrel held a pinecone to its chest and jumped into the tree.

Boletus Boletus Branch and the category is pinecone Boletus fungi etc. collectively, in which the exception of a few species of poisonous or bitter and not edible, most varieties of food available.

The next day when the pinecones were collected up they were full of earwigs.