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时间:2022-11-03 16:05:14 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2589字


Northern Shaanxi Dialect


陕北话───Northern Shaanxi Dialect


There are many sound compound words in Northern Shaanxi dialect. This contributes to the chief characteristics of its vocabulary.───陕北方言中有为数不少的合音词,这成为它词汇上的一个重要特点。

The unique phonetic features in Northern Shaanxi dialect add special charm to Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs while the local vocabulary enables Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs to be unusually expressive.───陕北方言中一些特殊的语音现象使陕北民歌的演唱呈现出独特的魅力; 而土色土香的陕北方言词汇大大增强了陕北民歌的表现力;

in Zhidan dialect of Northern Shaanxi is both an auxiliary verb and a degree adverb.───陕北志丹方言中的“敢”既是助动词,又是测度副词。

Northern Shaanxi dialect plays an important role in Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs.───陕北民歌依附于陕北方言,陕北方言于陕北民歌有着重要的作用。

Interrogative sentences in Northern Shaanxi dialect───陕北方言的疑问句

On the Functions of Northern Shaanxi Dialect in Its Folk Songs───论陕北方言在陕北民歌中的作用
