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时间:2022-11-04 04:02:52 作者:学习啦 字数:2536字


I can tell stories and play games


讲故事───Tell a story;玩游戏───play a game


If you tell a story, you'd better tell it to the full.───讲故事最好别掐头去尾.

Many quilts tell a story of daily life in Utah through colors and symbols.───许多的拼布都会透过颜色及符号,来述说犹他州的日常生活故事.

Create an experience - Remember that when you tell a story, you're creating an experience for your listeners.───创造体验 ---- 记住当您讲故事时, 你其实是在为您的听众创造一种体验.

And this remark prompted me to tell a story.───她终于接受了.

It is very hard to tell a story. It is one of.───我和我的同事之前的工作是做一部电影, 而且尽可能地做好.

Dramas utilize action rather than description to tell a story.───戏剧使用行动而不是叙述来讲述故事.

The best animations reinforce the site's goals, tell a story, or aid in navigation.───最佳的动画使用加强站点的目标性, 讲述故事, 或者帮助导航.

Doctor: I tell a story to you first.───医生: 我先给你讲个故事.
