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时间:2022-11-04 08:00:54 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2795字


Color cloth


色布───Color cloth


The color of the cloth will fade away little by little.───这布的颜色会一点一点褪掉的。

Dark oak or maple furniture, color cloth art sofa, wall lamp, with the European style, very artistic painting decorative will master the art taste, life attitude and cultural qualities.───深色的橡木或枫木家具,色彩的布艺沙发,壁灯等尽显欧洲风格,极具艺术风格的油画装饰将主人的艺术品位、生活态度及文化素养进行了很好的体现。

In today's painting, we can almost touch the texture of the dress and the cloth of the empress... However, Veronese is not only known for his technique but also for the use of the color.───时至今日,当我们观看这幅画时,还是几乎可以触及皇后衣裙上的纹理……然而,委罗内塞不只因其绘画技巧为人所知,他对色彩的运用也闻名于世。

A few kimono clothing rim will use different color cloth.───少数和服的衣缘也会用不同颜色的布料。

An conclusion: The ash of color cloth is black, and white is grey.───结论:彩色布料烧出来的灰烬是黑色的,而白色烧出来的是灰色的。

In 17 a nail caught directly, is under a large tree with wood color cloth a patio.───导致17名钉子户被抓的直接原因,是在一棵大槐树下用木桩彩条布搭的凉棚。
