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时间:2022-11-04 08:03:51 作者:学习啦 字数:3086字


Dry crack




Newly formed skin cells retain more moisture and prevent future dryness.───新生成的皮肤细胞保留更多的水分预防以后的干燥.

With so much dryness, so many communities to catch fire, so many fronts to fight, it becomes an almost incredible job.───干燥度如此之高,加上许多社区着火,有这么多前线要去战斗,这几乎成了一项不可思议的工作。

Exhaust before water pressure test, drainage before manufacture, dryness and medium isolation.───水压试验前排气 、 生产前排水 、 干燥、介质隔离.

Dryness of the skin can also be caused by living in centrally heated homes and offices.───皮肤干燥还会因呆在有中央供暖的居室或办公室而引起。

Elinor had ceased to rejoice in the dryness of the season.───埃莉诺不再为这些日子气候干燥而高兴.

Symptoms included frequent dryness in the mouth.───症状包括经常口干舌燥。

Based on thermo - physics the dryness - fraction regulation and realization model is established.───基于热力学建立干度调节与量值确定理论模型.

Dryness to avoid creating bronzing layer oxidizing or injury.───燥,以免造成烫金层氧化或损伤.


A necessary gesture to moisten the dryness in her throat.

Symptoms included frequent dryness in the mouth.

Dryness of the skin can also be caused by living in centrally heated homes and offices.

Her writing has a wry dryness.

The dryness in my mouth vanished and I could feel the adrenaline flooding my body.