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时间:2022-11-04 08:04:22 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2868字


traditional Chinese character


繁体───traditional Chinese character


Family education plays a significant role in the form of traditional Chinese character.───中国的传统家庭教育思想在形成中国人的个性中发挥着很大的作用.

And the LED lamp revolving scanning display mode, may demonstrate each country the writing and many kinds of designs (for example: Simplified, traditional Chinese character;───其中LED灯旋转扫描显示方式,可以显示出各个国家的文字及多种图案(如:简体、繁体的汉字;

I would also focus on the traditional Chinese character personality, emphasizing its own etiquette, courtesy.───我也注重中国传统的人品人格, 讲究自己的礼仪 、 礼节.

result, the proposed method avoids the binary operation used in some traditional Chinese character feature extractions that will seriously destroy the Chinese character structure.───该方法避免了一些传统汉字特征提取方法需要对图象进行二值化操作而造成的汉字字符结构信息丢失。

strokes of the first traditional Chinese character of herbs.───中药名之第一个字。以繁字体。用笔画为序。


As a result, the proposed method avoids the binary operation used in some traditional Chinese character feature extractions that will seriously destroy the Chinese character structure.