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时间:2022-11-04 08:04:54 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2560字


Dull and bright


哑面───Dumb face;亮───bright


Because I am afraid to face my dumb English.───因为我不敢面对我的哑巴英语。

Richard's self-satisfied grin vanishes. Mouth slightly open and a dumb and perplexed look on his face, he watches as Denise closes in.───理查德脸上得意的笑消失了,换上了一副微张着嘴,目瞪口呆的困惑样子,他望着丹妮丝朝着目标逼近。

If the occupants of both flats answered to the whistle of the janitor at the same time, they would stand face to face when they opened the dumb-waiter doors.───倘若住在两套公寓里的人同时应门房的哨声而出,打开电梯小门时,他们就会面对面地站着。

Thus also be classified mainly in the transparent, dumb face and mercerizing the fabrics, rich colors and trendy metallic luster;───质地也加以分类,主要集中在透明度高,哑面和丝光的织物,衬以丰富色彩及金属光泽;

Quality of a material also tries to classify, basically center in diaphaneity tall, dumb face and smooth fabric;───质地也加以分类,主要集中在透明度高、哑面和光的织物;
