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时间:2022-11-04 12:01:31 作者:学习啦 字数:2595字


Phrase list


词───Words;组表───Group table


Rudolph said no more. Apparently he was a man of few words.───鲁道夫没再说话。看来他是个寡言少语的人。

I have tried to pack a good deal into a few words.───我尽量言简意赅。

You can't put that sort of fear into words.───那种恐惧无法用语言表达。

His words were indistinguishable.───他说的话听不清楚。

I shall have words with these stupid friends of mine!───我真应该跟我这些愚蠢的朋友理论理论!

He has had to eat his words about the company being recession-proof.───他不得不收回他说过的公司能免受经济衰退影响的话。

He's a man of few words, very polite and unassuming.───他话不多,很有礼貌,为人谦和。

Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out the words.───罗斯听到了熟悉的声音,但没注意听说的是什么。


His words were swamped by the laughter.

Never trust of fine words.

Facts speak louder than words.

Mere words will not fill a bushel.

Words cut (or hurt) more than swords.