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时间:2022-11-04 16:04:39 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2584字


Round face nurse


圆脸───round face;护士───nurse


On her round face, there was a mild smile.───在她圆圆的脸庞上, 总是挂着温柔的笑意.

His shaven head accentuates his large round face.───光头使他的大圆脸更加突出。

The child had a round face.───那孩子脸蛋圆润.

The man with a rosy round face runs very fast.───那个面色红润、圆脸的男子跑得很快.

His round face always seemed to gleam slightly.───他的圆脸似乎总是明光铮亮的.

He has a round face with a high forehead.───他圆脸,高额头。

His shaven head accentuates his large round face.───他剃了的光头突出了他的大圆脸。

On Miss Tang's charming, well - proportioned round face were two shallow dimples.───唐小姐妩媚端正的圆脸,有两个浅酒窝.


The child had a round face.

His round face seems small above his wide shoulders.

His shaven head accentuates his large round face.

Ted was the shortest with a very round face.

She has a flat, round face with eyes close together and a wide smile.