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时间:2022-11-04 20:01:59 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2491字


15th floor


十五层───15th floor


On the deep blue lagoon right next to the magic kingdom sits the 15th floor contemporary resort.───在这个魔幻王国旁边湛蓝的礁湖上坐落这迪斯尼现代度假村的15层宾馆。

She told the woman to take her up to the 15th floor.───她告诉那女士电梯会把她送到第十五层。

They joined the line of people in the fire escape and when they reached the 15th floor heard the noise of the south tower collapsing.───他们立刻加入沿火警紧急出口撤离的人流,在到达第15层时,他们听到南塔倒塌的隆隆声。

On which floor is the Organizing Committee of the 15th World Football Championships located, please?───请问第15届世界足球锦标赛组委会设在大厦的几层?

Form that day on, every time I took the elevator I would expect another pause in the 15th floor, or the unfamiliar voice from behind me.───从那以后,我每天坐电梯下楼的时候都希望电梯能够在15楼停一下,又或者当我回来的时候身后能响起那个其实我并不熟悉的声音。
