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时间:2022-11-05 04:00:47 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3385字






Sand fill and compaction are essential factors of successful EPC.───干砂的充填及紧实是实型铸造工艺技术中的关键要素.

Large - scale consolidation and compaction of soil were responsible for a major part of the destruction.───大部分破坏都是由于土壤的大规模固结和压密所造成的.

The study on compaction standard of highway subgrade has important meaning.───这对于我国的高速公路路基压实标准的修订具有重要的参考价值.

Soil compaction may limit horizontal root extension.───土壤的紧密度能限制水平根的扩展.

In many sedimentary basins the salinity of the formation water increases with depth or compaction.───在许多沉积盆地中,地层水的含盐量随深度或压实作用而增高.

Sediment sorting and compaction influence permeability and porosity.───沉积物的分选和压实作用影响渗透率和孔隙度。

Regular forking of beds and borders relieves the compaction caused by rain.───时常翻动一下花圃和草坪四周会让被雨水压紧的土壤松动松动。

Although warped by compaction, there is only stight folding of the sandstone lenses.───虽然由于压实作用而弯曲, 但砂岩体褶皱很轻微.


This thesis presents a test response compaction and diagnosis technique based on BCH error correction code.

Considerable solution compaction between grains indicates that cementation did not take place until relatively late in the diagenetic history of the sediment.

This paper presents a microcode compaction algorithm based on a new description of microoperations and microinstructions.

Reservoir compaction and surface subsidence are a major concern in petroleum production.

Permeability, compactibility and mould compaction are important performance characteristics of green sand and mould.