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时间:2022-11-05 12:02:54 作者:星火作文 字数:2656字


We should drive less and walk more




Factoring in connection with automobile installment accounts is a big business today.───代管汽车分期付款的到期帐目是当今一桩巨大的业务.

Automobile accidents are far too common.───汽车事故太常见了.

You must obtain a new automobile license when your old one expires.───当旧的汽车牌照满期,你得领取新的.

To drive an automobile, you must learn how to manipulate the steering wheel and pedals.───你必须学会如何操作方向盘和脚踏板,才能开汽车.

The automobile you purchased from us was repossessed because you failed to make payments on it.───本公司收回您向我们购买的汽车,因为您未付车款.

Our automoBile suBassemBlies company has all kinds of spare parts with a complete range of specifications.───本汽车配件公司,零件完备,规格齐全.

Lastly, puts forward the corresponding counter measure to the automobile industrial agglomeration of Anhui province.───最后, 对安徽汽车产业集聚的发展提出了建议.

We should also study ways of organizing enterprise groups in the automobile industry.───汽车工业如何组织起来,也要研究一下.
