Avoid quarrels
I have no reason to quarrel with him.───我没有跟他口角的理由.
The quarrel originated in a misunderstanding.───争吵是由于误解而引起的.
The quarrel left her in a tumult.───她吵架后心烦意乱.
The quarrel led to a complete estrangement between her and her family.───这一争吵使她同家人完全疏远了.
That dog will pick a quarrel with anyone he meets.───那只狗碰到任何人都要吠叫.
I have no animosity against him, and he's clearly seeking to pick a quarrel with me.───我和他无冤无仇, 显然他是故意找我吵架.
He did not mention the quarrel with his wife.───他没有提起和妻子的争吵。
The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves.───君主主义者是一个内部争吵激烈的非主流的小团体。
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