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时间:2022-11-06 00:03:53 作者:星火作文 字数:2297字


Take off the order


脱单───Take off the order


If mail order catalogs are your weakness, take them out to the garbage and push them down to the bottom to head off a middle-of-the-night retrieval.───如果邮购目录是你的弱点,把它们扔到垃圾箱底以防自己半夜再把他们找回来。

Therefore, you need to be able to reach out to the business community on their terms (as you probably do already for developers) in order for Web 2.0 to take off.───因此,为了促使Web 2.0起航,你需要能够以他们的方式(就像你对开发者所做的那样)来联系业务方。

I don't actually know exactly what it would take, but you just cut off and snip the relevant nerve endings so that we're no longer able to engage in that higher order thinking.───我不知道手术到底怎样做,但只要切除相关的神经末梢,让我们无法进行,更高层次的思维。
