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时间:2022-11-12 12:02:14 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2951字






With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful.───猪有许多细节, 您善分析, 谨慎, 有怀疑心.

The results of the scheme so far give rise to cautious optimism.───到现在为止计划实施的结果有保守性的上升.

The reasons for this cautious European approach are manifold.───欧洲如此谨慎的态度其理由多样.

American analysts have been somewhat cautious in estimating the size of the B2B market.───美国分析师在估计公司对公司业务市场大小时略显谨慎。

Bankers say clients are being more cautious about hedge funds and stocks.───银行人士称,目前客户对对冲基金及股票更加谨慎.

The policy was rejected in favour of a more cautious approach.───这项政策未被采纳,取而代之的是一项较为谨慎的策略。

Some captains were more cautious than others, and the pilots had different ways.───有些船长特别谨慎, 领港员们也各人有各人的做法.

The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions.───该政党的二把手对疏远与工会之间关系一事态度谨慎。


He's a cautious driver.

They expressed cautious optimism about a solution to the crisis.

Losses make us more cautious.

Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

He was cautious when he was riding the bicycle.