Plan your life
The spaceshipblasted off at 15:30 according to the plan.───宇宙飞船按计划在15时30分起飞.
He failed to finish the plan. So they place great pressure on him to resign.───他没完成计划, 因此他们对他大施压力逼他辞职.
The plan is subject to the manager's approval.───该计划须经经理批准.
At the meeting Smith made some objection to my plan which I was able to shoot down in flames with no trouble.───在那次会议上,史密斯对我的计划颇有微词,对此我毫不费事地进行了严厉谴责.
Lack of money led to the abandonment of this plan.───由于缺乏经费,最后只好放弃这项计划.
His plan backfired on him , and he lost all his money.───他的计划事与愿违, 因此他的钱全亏掉了.
The plan is yet in the rough.───这计划还很粗糙.
plan worked brilliantly.───计划实施得十分顺利。
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