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时间:2022-11-12 20:01:54 作者:星火作文 字数:2522字


On the edge


崭巉───On the edge


His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria.───他的声音近乎歇斯底里。

She was perched on the edge of the sofa.───她坐在沙发沿上。

She paused on the edge, trying to regain her balance.───她在边缘上暂停下来,努力恢复平衡。

She sat on the edge of her mother's bed.───她坐在她母亲的床边。

She was on the edge of tears.───她泪水盈眶。

New housing estates have mushroomed on the edge of the town.───城郊的新住宅楼发展得十分迅速.

There is a pumping station on the edge of the lake.───湖边有座扬水站.

Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter.───韦斯耸起双肩,身体前倾靠在柜台边上。


The company is on the edge of collapse.

The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence.

He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table.

New housing developments mushroomed on the edge of town.

She had a house on the edge of the town.