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时间:2022-11-13 00:10:07 作者:星火作文 字数:2515字


Pet food


宠物粮───Pet food


At least doing so , you have a better idea of what is in prepared pet food.───至少你要知道,特制的宠物食品里都含有什么.

The kitchen's sponsors include pet food manufacturers.───这间救助处的赞助商还包括宠物食物制造商。

There is a strong possibility that the cat contracted the condition by eating contaminated pet food.───有一种极大的可能性就是那只猫吃了受污染的宠物食品而染上了病。

They would sell the meat off as pet food.───他们将把肉当作宠物食品卖掉。

This store sells pet food.───这商店出售宠物食品.

Pet food, lorry tyres and toothpaste have all suffered recent product recalls.───宠物食品, 卡车轮胎以及牙膏最近都有召回的厄运.

Therefore, the pet food manufacturers playing a brand of warfare.───因此, 宠物食品生产企业打起了品牌之战.

You may also refrigerate our pet food for up to 6 months in a glass container.───你也可以把宠物粮放在玻璃器皿内并放到冰箱里,这样可以至多保存六个月.
