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时间:2022-11-13 04:02:47 作者:趣历史 字数:3026字


Violent abuse


戾虐───Violent abuse


Taurus likes to plan life but Libra will make no such commitment and this can lead to some violent abuse on both sides.───金牛喜欢计划生活,而天秤不会做出这样的保证,这会导致双方出现一些剧烈的伤害。

Anyone suspected of violent or organised crime, or abuse of power, can under a new law be held for five days without charge, and prosecutors can choose which court should hear their cases.───所有的暴力犯罪、有组织犯罪以及滥用权力犯罪的疑犯,按照新的法律,可不经指控关押五天,检方可以选择由哪个法院接受他们的案子。

If there is no medical explanation for such injuries, the baby will be considered a possible victim of 'shaken baby syndrome', a form of child abuse that involves the violent shaking of an infant.───如果对这些损伤没有医学解释,则认为该名婴儿可能患有“摇晃婴儿综合症”,这是一种猛烈摇晃婴儿的虐待儿童形式。

One describes a childhood of violent abuse, followed by heroin and alcohol dependency.───其中一个人说他的童年在暴力中度过,后来就依赖上了海洛因和酒。

Taurus likes to plan life but Libra will make no such commitment and this can lead to some violent abuse on both sides.───金牛喜欢计划生活,而天秤不会做出这样的保证,这会导致双方出现一些剧烈的争执和伤害。


One day, after years of violent abuse from her husband, she took the law into her own hands.