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时间:2022-11-13 04:03:55 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2694字


Of course


一定───certain;当然───of course


The thief is certain to be caught in time.───小偷迟早会被抓到的.

There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit certain foreigners.───在访问某些外国人之前要做好许多准备工作.

you absolutely certain about this?───你对这事绝对确信无疑吗?

Certain people might disagree with this.───某些人对这事可能不会赞同。

An imbalance in certain chemicals leads to disturbances in the brain's function.───某些化学成分失衡会道致大脑功能的紊乱.

Many animals breed only at certain times of the year.───很多动物只在一年的某个时候交配繁殖。

We rented the house on the stipulation that certain rooms should be painted.───我们租这座房子时就约定好某几个房间必须油漆.

There are certain things he does that drive me mad.───他的某些举动让我很生气。


People on parole must follow certain rules.

Certain charities are exempt from VAT registration.

I tend to overuse certain favourite expressions.

Nothing so certain [sure] as death.

Certain problems were apparent from the outset.