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时间:2022-11-13 08:00:55 作者:学习啦 字数:2898字


Fried egg


煎鸡蛋───Fried egg


The fried egg may be more soft and fragrant if some wine is added when cooking.───炒鸡蛋时,加点儿白酒,炒出的鸡蛋会更松软芳香.

He was severely tempted by the fried - egg sandwiches but he could not afford one.───他非常想吃煎鸡蛋三明治,但他买不起.

Roasted chicken, mayonnaise, basil pesto, bacon, iceberg lettuce, tomato, fried egg.───烤鸡肉, 蛋黄酱, 紫苏酱, 烟肉, 卷心生菜, 番茄及煎蛋.

Mom: Do you want your fried egg sunny - side up?───妈妈: 煎蛋你要单面煎的 吗 ?

We have pan - fried egg, scramble egg, boiled egg, poached egg.───我们有煎蛋, 炒蛋, 煮蛋, 荷包蛋.

Niu disobedient people see, and as soon eat fried egg fried rice cake boiled a plow.───人们看到牛听话了, 就马上煎鸡蛋煮糍吃饱犁田了.

Sausage links, fried egg, toast, baked beans, and tea.───香肠串 、 煎蛋 、 吐司面包 、 茄汁黄豆和茶.

I would like a fried egg and a sausage.───我要个煎鸡蛋夹香肠.


His fried eggs were a bit scrappy: they needed a woman's touch.

We had fried eggs for breakfast.

A fried egg contains about 100 calories-about the same as you would burn off if you ran a mile.

I'll have two rashers of bacon and a fried egg.

He ate rice and a fried egg three times a day, keeping track of the days by counting the meals.