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时间:2022-11-13 08:02:51 作者:星火作文 字数:2848字


Happy Queen's Day


女王节───Queen's Day;快乐───happy


Candy burns the amounts having increased tar the day after tomorrow together with tobacco , that candy burns queen's outcome is a important cancerogen in cigarette but.───糖与烟草一起燃烧后增加了焦油量,而糖燃烧后的产物是烟中的一个重要致癌物。

Then a day came when the wind blew and the rain lashed the glass, and the Countess entered the Queen's room unannounced.───然后,在一个凄风苦雨的日子里,伯爵夫人突然不宣而至。

At present, the Queen's Official Birthday is marked as a DE facto National Day by British diplomatic missions overseas but not in the UKitself.───目前,英国驻外机构一般将英国女皇生日作为英国国庆节,但英国国内却不是这样。

It also features the wardrobe, tiaras, crowns and other royal objects used in the queen's day-to-day activities.───此外也特别展出衣服、皇冠、王冠和其它女王日常活动用的王室用品。

Today it's the Dutch Queen's Day. The flea market is held everywhere, people selling second hand things.───今天荷兰女皇日,街上到处都是跳蚤市场,卖二手货。

This is the grand final of 538 queen's day, 2010, featuring the world's most famous DJ--Long live the Queen.───这是2010年538皇后日的总决赛现场,今天的主角是当今世界上最著名的DJ——皇后万岁!
