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时间:2022-11-13 08:02:01 作者:星火作文 字数:2413字


rack one's brains


绞脑汁───rack one's brains


In this way, young people forget to eat and sleep, day and night, rack one's brains, write the song desperately.───这样,年轻人废寝忘食,没日没夜,绞尽脑汁,拼命写歌。

game has 120levels, from easy to difficult, from the sleep can easily pass to let you rack one's brains, dare to challenge?───游戏共有120个关卡,从易到难,从睡着都能轻松过关到让你绞尽脑汁,敢不敢来挑战?

To let buy book behavior rationalize, not hesitate rack one's brains, take all steps.───为了让买书行为合理化, 不惜挖空心思 、 采取一切手段.

Marry you, for the life of a wonderful experience, a rack one's brains.───要结婚的你,为了这一生一次的美好经历,一定煞费苦心。


In this way, young people forget to eat and sleep, day and night, rack one's brains, write the song desperately.