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时间:2022-11-13 12:01:40 作者:语文迷 字数:2385字


the Six Boards


六部───the Six Boards


Along one side a scruffy fence lent drunkenly one way then the other, while a brutally straight line of six-foot high boards marked the other side of the territory.───沿着花园的一边有一排破旧的篱笆,像喝醉了似的东倒西歪。直直的一排木板,足有六英尺高,无情地把花园另一边的区域隔开。

She sits on six boards, including the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, which her daughters, Sasha and Malia, attend.───她是六个董事会的董事,其中包括她的两个女儿萨莎和马莉娅就读的芝加哥附属实验学校。

Restlessness without end, and as a reward a pair of iron handcuffs and the six boards of a wooden coffin.───躁动的,只是一副铁手铐和有六个木板的棺材。

Restlessness without end, and as a reward a pair of iron handcuffs and the six boards of a wooden coffin.───人们无尽躁动的,只是一副铁手铐和有六个木板的棺材。
