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时间:2022-11-13 16:00:57 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2571字


Where is the most exciting person




Their knees were touching .───他们的膝盖挨着。

This is the most touching story I have ever heard.───这是我听到过的最动人的故事.

Their knees were touching.───他们的膝盖相碰。

There was a touching air of innocence about the boy.───这个男孩有一种令人感动的天真神情.

Her story is the touching tale of a wife who stood by the husband she loved.───她的经历是一个妻子坚定地支持她深爱着的丈夫的感人故事。

You can make the men hurry by touching them up as you pass.───你可在路过的时候提醒提醒他们,让他们快点儿.

He felt a hand touching his shoulder.───他感到有只手在触摸他的肩膀。

The two wires are touching.───那两根电线搭上了.


The reporter raised a question touching the truthfulness of his statements.

When touching something hot,he whipped his hand away at once.

It was a touching sight.

The two wires were touching.

It was a touching movie.