The introduction analyzes the cultural ecological environment in which Lunyu was deeply rooted .───引言部分论述了《论语》所植根的生态环境。
Lunyu School" is an important factor on the literary world in Shanghai during the War of Resistance Against Japan.───时期的论语派是抗战时期上海文坛的一支重要力量,但一直未被研究者关注。
survey on the Chinese character "wei" in "LunYu ", and finds 170 of it in the book, which totals about 0.───论语》中的“为”字做了穷尽性统计,得出全书“为”字有170个,约占全书总字数的0。
Lunyu was not the lowest form of argumentations in pre-qin dynasty.───《论语》并非先秦说理文的低级形式。
Many scholars have already studied the English translations of Lunyu from various points of view and made great achievements.───许多学者都已从不同的角度对《论语》的英译本进行了研究并取得了重要的成果。
Lunyu is one of the brilliant Chinese classics and plays a very important part in China's literary history.───《论语》是一部卓越的中国典籍,在中国文学史上起着非常重要的作用。
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