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时间:2022-11-14 04:01:18 作者:语文迷 字数:3054字


Out of stagnation


出滞───Out of stagnation


But 12 years on stability has soured into stagnation-and Mr Putin's brand has gone out of fashion.───但是12年来,稳定慢慢变成了停滞,普京这个品牌也不时髦了。

big danger is that, while optimists and pessimists battle it out, the world becomes ever more divided between islands of high productivity surrounded by a vast ocean of stagnation.───真正危险的是,当两大阵营酣战正烈时,世界却已变得更加四分五裂——一望无际的“停滞之海”包围着硕果仅存的高生产率岛屿。

stagnation step out mechanism and the pheromone trail limit mechanism in pheromone trail updating procedure are developed to help ants stepping out of stagnation effectively.───信息素踪迹更新过程中的停滞状态脱离机制以及信息素踪迹限制机制能帮助人工蚁跳出局部最优解。

The best way out of stagnation, Americans counseled, was to let weak companies die, freeing up capital for a new crop of leaner entrants.───美国人建议,摆脱滞涨的最好的方式就是让弱势公司死去,为一批更加轻盈的进入者释放出他们所需的资本。

This is a belief, she argues, bred out of "stagnation and crisis" in Muslim countries, and then exported to European soil.───她说,这是种信念,滋生在穆斯林的萧条与危机中,出口到欧洲大陆。

China (with Hong Kong) has helped to lift Japan out of stagnation, becoming its biggest trading partner in 2004.───中国(包括香港)使日本摆脱了经济滞障,并于2004年成为其最大的交易伙伴。
