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时间:2022-11-14 08:03:50 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2774字


Pet tease




Exotic pets are the in thing right now.───奇异的宠物眼下很时髦。

All new pets should be checked over by a vet.───所有新生的宠物都应该让兽医仔细检查.

Their houses were immaculately neat and tidy , with no pets allowed by order of Denis.───他们的家打扫得干干净净,布置得有条有理.丹尼斯还规定家里不准养任何爱畜.

popular pets, e.g. cats and dogs───很多人喜爱的宠物,如猫和狗

We watched buildings fall on top of people and pets.───我们看到一幢幢大楼倒塌,砸在人和宠物身上。

Pets are considered to be a burden to most of the city dwellers.───宠物对多数城市居民来说是个负担.

But you need to make an appointment because these people are usually very busy pampering pets.───但是你需要先预约,因为这些人通常都在忙于照顾宠物们.

Do you have any pets?───你有没有养宠物?


Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

They have many pets, including three cats.

They have several pets - a dog, two rabbits and a guinea pig.

Rabbits can make very good pets.

Many pets are victims of overfeeding.