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时间:2022-11-14 12:03:07 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2425字


rush to repair


抢修───rush to repair


After the accident happens, the project personnel of the subway dash into the station to rush to repair lifting the apparatus.───事故发生后,地铁工程人员抬着设备冲入车站进行抢修。

This is an electrician rush to repair the cable.───图中是一名电工在江西九江抢修电缆。

The online flaw and the rush to repair it are an urgent reminder that the Internet remains a sometimes anarchic jumble of jurisdictions .───网络漏洞以及仓促修补告诉了我们一个紧迫的问题,即互联网时常混杂无序。

Dong Wenming , net of canal of gas total official business loses Shenyang town match vice director of center of branch rush to repair.───董文明,沈阳市煤气总公事管网输配分公司抢修中心副主任。

After the accident happens, the project personnel of the subway dash into the station to rush to repair lifting the apparatus.───事故发生后,地铁工程人员抬住设备冲入车站进行抢修。
