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时间:2022-11-16 20:00:51 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3024字


Put it into practice


付诸───Put into practice;实践───practice


difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people put into practice the things they learn.───成功者和失败者之间的区别是成功者将他们所学的东西付诸于实践。

It's easy to talk , but difficult to put into practice.───说起来轻巧, 做起来难.

Will this plan be put into practice?───这个计划会实施 吗 ?

Some ideas can make a difference build more barrier free facilities and employ more workers to protect them but hard to be put into practice, because both of them require money.───有些想法可以产生影响,比如建造更多的无障碍设施,雇佣更多的工人来维护它们,但这些想法很难付诸实施,因为这些都需要资金。

We weren't allowed to put into practice in our daily lives the teachings we received.───我们不能够将所受的教义在日常生活中付诸实践。

Meditate so that you can then realize or put into practice what has been meditated upon.───冥想,所以你就能够去认识和付诸实践那些你冥想所获得的.

For instance, state capitalism , as stipulated, is to be put into practice gradually.───比如国家资本主义, 是讲逐步实行.

Today, outsourcing being attached more attention and put into practice widely.───当前业务外包战略逐渐受到人们的重视并被广泛运用于实践.


It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice.