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时间:2022-11-16 20:03:00 作者:语文迷 字数:3600字


popular literature or art


巴人───Ba people;下───lower


Meanwhile, since the Zhongbazi site situates within the center area occupied by the ancient Ba people, studies on this site will shed light on searching for early Ba culture.───另外,因中坝子遗址位于古代巴人活动的中心区域,对该遗址的研究也为探索早期巴文化提供了十分重要的资料。

Here was the birthplace of cave culture of Ba people in ancient time and also the shelter and base of Mt. Huaying guerilla in anti-Japanese war and the liberation war before the year 1949.───这里曾是远古巴人洞穴文化的发祥地,也是华蓥山游击队的藏身地和根据地。

Since the discovery of bronze masks in the 1970s, archeologists have located 100 sites that belonged to the Ba people, each considered a historical archive.───自从20世纪70年代发现铜面具以后,考古学家确定了100处巴族人的遗迹,每个遗迹都是一座历史档案馆。

Coir Raincoat Cavity: cave situated at half of cliff, where was residence of ancient Ba people and guerilla.───蓑衣洞――为一半崖山洞,曾是古巴人和当年游击队的住所。

The custom of admiring tiger of Ba people started in Xia and Shang dynasties.───巴人崇虎习俗自夏商时始,经春秋战国一直延续到现代。

Ba People Spring: spring here is sweet, flow out whole year, it is the living spring of local folks in Carry Cangue Bridge.───巴人泉――此山泉甘甜,常年不绝,是背枷桥一带山民赖以生存的一汪灵泉。


Another way of saying is: the ancient Ba people living Shixue, known as stone in East Pakistan, hence the name, and Sichuan is also known as salt, salt.

Ba People Spring: spring here is sweet, flow out whole year, it is the living spring of local folks in Carry Cangue Bridge.

Luna & solar Cavity of Ba people where guerilla held meeting.

Ba people originate from the ancestor of Linjun living in Wuyan.

Coir Raincoat Cavity: cave situated at half of cliff, where was residence of ancient Ba people and guerilla.