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时间:2022-11-16 20:04:51 作者:学习啦 字数:2566字


White point customers


白点───White dot;客户───customer


location of the leaking well is marked with a white dot.───泄露原油的油井位置在图上已白色圆点标明。

Glass hives offer a close-up view of the bees at work, with the queen bee in each hive marked by a white dot.───玻璃蜂房可以近距离观察工作中的蜜蜂,每个蜂房的蜂王都被打上白点标记。

I think you may be able to see something happen in the sky, two white dots instead of one white dot.───我想你也许可以看到空中发生的一些情况,看到两个而不是一个白色的点。

the following figure shows the relative sizes of the earth the white dot , the sun now and a typical red giant.───下图显示了地球现在的太阳和典型红巨星的大小比较。

The oil platform appears as a white dot, and a fan of brown smoke extends to the south-east.───石油平台,看起来象一个白点,一扇褐色的烟雾延伸到东南方。


The oil platform appears as a white dot, and a fan of brown smoke extends to the south-east.