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时间:2022-11-17 04:02:30 作者:学习啦 字数:2770字


Draw a skirt


短裙───Short skirt;画───painting


She was dressed in a very short skirt.───她穿着一条很短的裙子。

A pair of stockings paired with a short skirt is popular this year.───长筒袜配短裙是今年流行的穿法.

Her sleeves tucked up, showing snowy elbows , ho , her short skirt revealing her natural feet.───袖卷而显雪肌之肘兮裙短而露天然之足 ﹒.

Your short skirt is inappropriate for a formal party.───你穿这条短裙去参加正式晚会是不恰当的.

She wore a short skirt that swayed enchantingly as she walked.───她穿的短裙随着她走动而迷人地摆动着.

When did the short skirt first come in?───短裙是什么时候开始流行的?

short skirt of hers is positively indecent.───她那条短裙实在是不雅观。

Man: She's got long fair hair, and she's wearing a short skirt.───男: 她长着金黄色长发, 穿着一条短裙子.


She was wearing a short skirt and stilettos.

That short skirt of hers is positively indecent.

But fashion, as always, changed and the short skirt fell - literally - from favour and started skimming the ankles.

The little girl was dressed in a very short skirt.

Your short skirt is inappropriate for a formal party.