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时间:2022-11-17 16:01:16 作者:学习啦 字数:2485字


Yao Yao


瑶璠───Yao Yao


Yao Yao often plays hockey.───瑶瑶经常打曲棍球。

The main producing areas of China's wheel ore in the vicinity of Hunan and Inner Mongolia, especially in the most famous Yao Yao xian.───中国车轮矿的主要产地在湖南周边及内蒙古一带,其中尤以瑶岗仙的最为著名。

Star lights, voice Yao Yao, song far gone beacon.───灯火星星,人声杳杳,歌不尽乱世烽火。

Wrong! Deke has always been a better rebounder than Yao. Yao got less rebounds than Deke doesn't mean he was loafing.───错!木桶伯的篮板一向都比姚明要好,姚明篮板比穆大叔少不是意味着他浪费了一年光阴。

Extremely enjoy the ball T-mac back pass to Yao, Yao fake and thow it back to T who with an incredible reverse.───超级享受麦蒂背传给姚明,姚明假投真传回麦蒂,麦蒂用一个超级过桥投进的那个球。

Yao Yao believes authorities detained his father to keep him from attending the reception.───他认为当局拘禁了他的父亲,不让他参加招待会。
