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时间:2022-11-17 16:05:25 作者:语文迷 字数:2997字


Foreign films


洋片───Foreign films


Within each category, the rate of acceptance for domestic films was the same as that for foreign films.───在各个类别中,国产影片的接受率与国外影片相同。

The overall rate of acceptance of domestic films was significantly higher than that of foreign films.───国产电影的整体接受率显著高于国外电影。

Do you like foreign films?───你喜欢看外国电影吗?

All the children grew up in a surreal world, with access to foreign films and luxury goods.───金正日的孩子全都在一个梦幻般的世界里长大,他们能够看外国电影、享用奢侈品。

China allows 20 foreign films a year to be shown on local screens, splitting revenue among producers, theaters and local distributors.───据中国电影业内人士称,中国每年允许20部进口片,所得利益在制片方,影院和发行商之间分配。

It also pleased the censors, who allow only 20 foreign films a year to be shown here.───同样它也讨好了每年仅允许20部外国电影在国内上映的审查当局。


All the foreign films were captioned.

Aside from Tarantino, the decade also brings a serious decline in repertory programming and opportunities for importing foreign films.

You may choose Hollywood, Independent ( Indie ), or foreign films.

You to go to special film festivals or indie to watch foreign films these days.

Many foreign films are dubbed in Chinese when they are shown in China.