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时间:2022-11-18 04:03:36 作者:学习啦 字数:2647字


Die out


消亡───Die out


Night should never die out, I know, it lingers at the back of Day.───英语励志名言夜是不会消失的.我知道, 它藏在白天的心里.

Die out the molded plastic before you paint it.───刷漆之前先把塑料用模子定型.

Such genetic errors, or mutations as they are called, would die out.───这些基因错误(通常叫做突变)会自行消失.

He is the last of the family; after his death the name will die out.───他是他家族活在这世上的最后一个成员, 他一死,他们家族便不复存在了.

Why Did Dinosaurs Suddenly Die Out?───恐龙为什么会突然灭绝?

HUNCZAK: You find that whole families actually die out like eight members in the family.───特拉斯.洪可扎克: 那时候你常常可以看到一家一家人,有时候一家八口,通通饿死光.

What emerges in history is bound to die out.───凡是历史上发生的东西,总是要消灭的.

So many whales were killed that it was feared they might die out.───因此大批鲸鱼遭到捕杀,以至于人们担心境遇将会灭绝.


We used to believe that capitalism would soon die out.