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时间:2022-11-18 16:04:18 作者:语文迷 字数:2687字


May day


五月节───May day


May Day has become a venerable institution.───劳动节已经成为一个神圣庄严的既定节日。

The parks are decorated for the May Day celebrations.───修饰公园,准备迎接五一.

On May Day a pretty girl is chosen the May Queen.───在五节那一天一位漂亮的少女会被选为五月皇后.

It's May Day. They're celebrating Labor Day.───今天是五一国际劳动节。他们正在庆祝劳动节。

The railway is scheduled to be opened to traffic on May Day.───这条铁路准备在"五一"通车.

We were getting ready to welcome in May Day.───我们这时正准备迎接“五一”.

The road is going to be opened to traffic on May Day.───这条公路将在“五一”通车.

May Day is a great international holiday.───“五一”是伟大的国际性节日.


On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin.

May Day has become a venerable institution.

Sadly, the question is about May day.

May Day dawned warm and sunny, and the two veterans nodded at each other over morning coffee.

Many New Year and May Day ceremonies have virtually died out now.