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时间:2022-11-18 20:00:26 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3137字






He unwarily treads upon a viper asleep just before his feet.───他不小心踩到正睡在他脚前的蛇上.

The Red Viper does not kneel to attack an opponent who controls more characters than you.───这句话的意思是红毒蛇攻击的对手如果控制的角色比你多,你就不用横置了.

A venomous tropical American pit viper ( Bothrops atrox ) having brown and grayish markings.───矛头蛇一种产于美洲身上有褐灰色斑点的热带毒蛇 ( 矛头蝮矛头蝮属 )

Flee from every symptom of this deadly foe as you would flee from a viper.───你要逃避这死敌的一切症状,犹如逃避一条蝰蛇一般。

That night, Viper found courage, a power far more potent than venom.───那一夜, 灵蛇找到了勇气, 那比毒液更具有杀伤力的武器.

You conspire with him against me, do you, viper?───你和他合谋反对我,是吗,蝰蛇?

He positively hated me, the little viper – yet he couldn't stay away from me.───比如说莫尔多夫,据鲍里斯和克朗斯塔特说,他自封为上帝了, 这条小毒蛇毫无疑问在恨我,可他又离不开我.

What article does Starbuck use to identify the body in the crashed viper?───星芭靠什么物件来识别坠机蝮蛇中尸体的身份?


Be careful of that viper; he is dangerous.

The viper thus plays the role of the transforming alembic in alchemy.

Lifting up its small triangular head, the viper licked the air as if to write some-thing with its forked tongue.

That viper, that snake in the grass!

Also see pictures: "New Ruby-Eyed Pit Viper Discovered."