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时间:2023-03-08 08:12:50 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2703字


Heritage building


遗筑───Heritage building


central axis sets the symmetry of the building to pay homage to the existing heritage building.───中轴确定建筑的对称性,向原有传统建筑表示敬意。

Nevertheless, this does not mean that modernization and new building should be discouraged in order to renovate and protect heritage buildings.───然而,这并不意味着为了翻新和保护遗产建筑而应打压现代化和新建。

A beautifully-restored Qing Dynasty heritage building, at the corner of the site, is the anchor and entrance point for the hotel.───在工地的一角一个精心修复的清代古建筑作为两个部分的连接点,也是酒店的入口。

It would be useful to know what criteria a building or site needs to possess before our government will consider it a heritage building.───我很想知道,政府要认定建筑物或遗址为古迹时,究竟是根据什么标准。

But this tour group is being shown a different side to the country at the African Heritage building.───但是这个旅行团在非洲的古迹建筑里,看到了这个国家的另一个风貌。

The Compare About Historic and Heritage Building Conservation Fundamental of Occident and China───中西方历史文物建筑保护原则的比较研究
