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时间:2023-04-24 16:10:43 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2545字


There are ten people




The temperature dropped to minus ten degrees centigrade.───温度降到摄氏零下十度.

I gave ten pounds in payment for the goods I bought.───我买那些东西付了10英镑.

At the peak of its popularity in the late nineties, the band sold ten million albums a year.───20世纪90年代后期那个乐队最红的时候,每年售出1,000万张唱片.

This bank has ten branches in the city.───这家银行在城里有10家分行.

I have arranged to meet her at ten o'clock.───我约定在十点钟会见她.

My highest card is ten.───我最大的牌是十。

He stayed in Beijing for ten days.───他在北京待了10天.

There was still ten dollars owing.───还欠十美元.


I have ten exposures left on this film.

She doesn't normally arrive until ten.

One father can support ten children, ten children cannot support one father.

When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count a hundred.

Better master one than engage with ten.