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时间:2022-09-13 23:45:57 作者:语文迷 字数:3113字






Blue, with its intimations of the Virgin Mary, constancy and faithfulness, symbolised femininity.───蓝色象征着圣母玛利亚,忠贞不渝,象征着女性的温柔。

I wonder if there isn't a streak of femininity in him, a kind of sweetness.───我想知道他身上是否没有一丝女性气质,一种温柔。

Celia knew that and that the combination was a happy blend of business crispness and femininity.───西莉亚知道,这样打扮,把生意人的干脆利落和女性的特点完满地结合在一起了,很中看.

Featuring essence of Moroccan rose oil, this is an exquisite fresh fragrance that simply exudes femininity.───特有摩洛哥玫瑰精华油, 既高贵又能突显女性魅力.

Masculinity and femininity are also quite distinct and clearly assigned to one or the other sex.───男性与女性也是截然不同的,并且要麽归属于一个性别要麽归属于另一个性别.

Long hair was traditionally regarded as a sign of femininity.───长头发在传统上被认为是娇滴滴的象徵.

The western feminism came the feminality stage after the femininity and feminism s stage.───西方女权主义运在经历了女人气阶段、女权主义阶段后,发展到了女性主义阶段.

Conversely, older women may fear to lose femininity if they the lead and initiate erotic variations.───反过来, 老年妇女可能担心,如果她们主导和主动发起各种性活动,会有失女性的文雅.


The word 'lady' has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.