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时间:2022-09-14 04:02:40 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2585字


Ambition and desire


志欲───Ambition and desire


They have an ambition and a desire to learn from the successful entrepreneurs.───他们有向成功企业家学习的雄心和渴望。

responding to this kind of question, with just the right mix of honesty, ambition, and your desire to be working at this company long-term.───回答这类问题一定要小心,保持适度的诚恳,适度的野心,并表达你希望在该公司服务较长的时间。

Ask your manager for some dedicated practice time for DB2 certification, and most bosses will not only give you that time, they'll also be impressed by your ambition and your desire to get ahead.───向经理请求专门拨出一段时间,为准备 DB2 认证而进行实践操作,大多数老板不仅会同意这个要求,他们还会被您不断要求进步的志向和愿望而打动。

Orange is a color filled with optimism and often is representative of ambition and desire in dreams.───橙色是充满乐观的颜色,它在梦中往往代表着雄心和愿望。

This, however, can not satisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge.───然而,这不能使我的野心满意和对知识的渴求。
