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时间:2022-09-14 04:02:57 作者:学习啦 字数:2978字


Full of hope


满望───Full of hope


As a contestant, I think, one should be confident and full of hope.───作为一名选手,我认为应该充满信心和希望。

Every morning, when she puts on her new scarf, she feels so happy that it seems the whole day is full of hope.───每天早上,当她戴上新围巾的时候,她都很开心,似乎这一整天都充满了希望。

The future is full of hope.───前途大有希望。

And, indeed, she seemed to have lost all the old interests of her girlish, careless life, that had been so full of hope.───而且她已没有了往日所有的生活趣味,那无忧无虑、充满希望的少女生活情趣。

The next day Jordan's King Abdullah came to see me, full of hope for peace and determination to be a worthy successor to his father.───第二天,约旦国王阿卜杜拉来会见我,他对和平充满了希望,决心不辱没他父亲的声名。

They were very pleased to see some gulls flying in the sky, full of hope that they would soon get ashore.───看到天空中飞过的只只海鸥,他们非常高兴,心中也燃起了希望:海岸已经不远了。


Full of hope, it steered around the corner.

A HumptyDumpty smile, shattered and full of hope.

He arrived in Nice full of hope and, indeed, managed to secure a showing for both at Cannes.

These people are full of hope. An economic explosion is underway in their country.

The people are full of hope for the future.