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时间:2022-09-14 10:12:10 作者:学习啦 字数:2889字






Objective To investigate the clinical character, diagnosis and therapy of oblique vaginal septum syndrome.───目的探讨阴道斜隔综合征的临床特点 、 诊断及治疗方法.

Eye movement revealed limitation of superior rectus, lateral rectus, and inferior oblique muscles of left eye.───眼球运动显示左眼上直肌, 外直肌, 及下斜肌功能受损.

She gave an oblique look to one side.───她向旁边斜看了一眼.

Kitty-corner definition is in a diagonal or oblique position.───斜对角的”的定义是在一个对角线或斜的位置。

It was an oblique reference to his mother.───这影射到了他的母亲。

View of the past, small fishing boat, trees flowers and trees, shade oblique impact.───近观, 渔舟点点, 花木扶疏, 绿荫斜影.

The oblique rays of the sun on the orchards create this typical landscape that traditional iconography would associate with an earthly paradise.───阳光撒在果园里形成了独特的景致,就像传统肖像画中描绘的天堂.

This paper analyses the construction of oblique view revolved and inclined cutting view revolved.───本文对斜视图与斜剖视图的旋转画法进行了分析.


The oblique rays of the sun on the orchards create this typical landscape that traditional iconography would associate with an earthly paradise.