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时间:2022-09-15 16:01:48 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3232字


The people of Hong


焌人───The people of Hong


release last month of more than 100 boat people in Hong Kong caused protests from local residents, opposing any move to allow the boat people to stay permanently.───上个月,香港释放了100多名船民,引发了当地居民的抗议,他们反对任何允许船民永久居留的举措。

authorities in Hong Kong have released a second group of Vietnamese boat people from detention after Vietnam refused to accept them.───在越南拒绝接受之后,香港当局释放了被扣押的第二批越南船民。

For us to be able to serve the people of Hong Kong properly, we must ensure that we operate efficiently and cost-effectively, maintaining high standards and yet controlling growth in the bureaucracy.───我们要为市民提供优质服务,就必须讲求运作效率和成本效益,在维持优良工作表现的同时,也兼重控制人手增长,精简编制。

Of course it is always nice to be able to deliver good news, and I believe this is a good result for the people of Hong Kong.───能够为大家带来好信息,当然是一件好事,我希望全港市民亦满意投资的结果。

It is precisely because of the broad masses of the people of Hong Tianyuan recognition, we feel more responsibilities.───正是有了广大国民对弘天元的认可,我们也越发感到所肩负的责任。

Rui Yan charge is the people of Hong Kong, by love for hedge funds, decided to mainland China as the starting point for his career.───负责人锐衍是个香港人,因热爱对冲基金工作,决定将大陆作为他事业的起点。


Along with its apostolic work, the diocese concerned the well - being the people of Hong Kong.