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时间:2022-09-18 12:02:39 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3284字




胃气───Stomach qi;痛───pain


Professor Liu emphasized the strengthen spleen and stomach Qi to facilitate antipathogenic and dispel pathogenic Qi.───治疗上强调培补后天脾胃之气以养正祛邪,只有如此,方能“留人治病”.

considered that squid has the functions of replenishing vital essence, nourishing the stomach, restoring qi and moisturizing the skin in Chinese medicine.───中医认为,鱿鱼有滋阴养胃、补虚润肤的功能。

Patients with psoriasis should eat hot foods to eat breakfast in order to protect stomach qi.───银屑病患者吃早餐应该吃热食,才能保护胃气.

This article summarizes the experience of protecting stomach qi in the treatment of chronic renal failure.───总结了以调理脾胃为主,保护肾功能,治疗肾功能衰竭的临床辨治用药经验。

This article summarizes the experience of protecting stomach qi in the treatment of chronic renal failure.───并总结了以调理脾胃为主,保护肾功能,治疗肾功能衰竭的临床辨治用药经验.

Specifically , regulating therapy includes three aspects , regulating herbal property, regulating stomach qi and regulating zang - fu organs.───并从调和药性 、 调和胃气、调和脏腑三个方面阐述了“温药和之”在中医肿瘤治疗中的具体应用.

So, whether body fluid is adequate or inadequate depends upon the conditions of spleen - qi and stomach - qi.───因此, 津液的充足与否依赖脾胃之气的状态.

This medicine regulates the stomach - qi and alleviates pain, specializing in the treatment of all stomachaches.───本药和胃止痛, 专治各类胃痛.


This article summarizes the experience of protecting stomach qi in the treatment of chronic renal failure.