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时间:2022-09-19 08:04:23 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2505字


That's it. Goodbye


再见───bye;就这样───That's it.


"Anyhow, thanks a lot. Bye bye."───“那么,多谢了。再见。”

"Anyway, I'd better let you have your dinner. Give our love to Francis. Bye."───“那么,我不打扰你用餐了。代我们向弗朗西斯问好。再见。”

Bye Mum, see you in a minute.───妈妈,一会儿见。

Bye, see you tomorrow.───再见,明天见.

He stood mournfully at the gate waving bye bye.───他伤心地站在门口,挥手告别。

Bye! See you next week.───再见!下星期再会。

Bye. Say hello to your mother.───再见, 代我向你母亲问好.

I'd like to speak to you again. Bye now !───我希望和你再谈一次. 现在再见吧!


We said good - bye, then he turned and walked off without another word.

Good - bye then! Mind how you go!

He stood mournfully at the gate waving bye bye.

They took themselves off without saying good - bye.

Bye for now! I'll catch you later .