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时间:2022-09-21 00:04:03 作者:趣历史 字数:3168字


With examples


随例───With examples


But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become a ware of the complexities of saying sorry.───但是,即使孩子们看到了真诚悔过的案例,他们仍然需要帮助来理解道歉的复杂性。

The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples.───作者不用实例印证他的看法。

Play is easier to define with examples than with concepts.───用例子比用概念更容易定义游戏。

More over, with examples of authentic yellow tea becoming increasingly rare, few consumers have had enough exposure to tell the difference.───其实,真正的黄茶变得越来越稀少,知道两者区别的消费者也越来越少。

Your creative skills can be illustrated via your portfolio; provide a link on your CV to a website with examples of your work.───你的创造性也可以通过简历的内容来展示:比如在简历中加上一个你自己设计的网页链接。

Such easy to understand, easy to use and modify, with examples.───此类简单易懂,使用和修改方便,带例子。


The Physic Garden is planted with examples of herbs used in Medieval times for medicinal purposes.

We are probably also acquainted with examples where local and national government, large and big business impinge on the local community.

She illustrates her point with examples drawn from contemporary newspaper accounts.

Science abounds with examples of the rejection of observation statements and the retention of the theories with which they clash.

History is littered with examples of people tinkering, tampering and then tumbling.